Our planet is important to us.

Cirkus Venues
By curating, crafting, and facilitating entertainment* we create extraordinary and unexpected moments with an addictive vibe, built on intuitive and professional service.
* food, art, design, accommodation, recreation, and pleasure
This policy describes our focus areas and our ambition level of our sustainability work. With sustainability we mean value creation and responsibility for people, the planet, and society. We support the principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement.
The policy guides us in decision making as well as in our daily work. It applies to all Cirkus Venues entities, the board and all our employees.
Our responsibility
It is our responsibility to actively contribute to well-being, equal opportunities, and minimised environmental footprint though the value chain. Based on our impact, stakeholder expectation and external requirement we have defined six focus areas for our sustainability work:
- Memorable Experiences
- Sustainable Food & Beverage
- Mutual benefit Partnerships
- Employer of Choice
- Innovative Development
- Resource efficiency & Circularity.
We aim to constantly improve our sustainability work. Therefore, we set concrete targets for these areas, appoint responsibilities, allocate reasonable resources, and continuously measure our performance.
At Cirkus Venues we adhere all applicable laws and regulations and ordinances, as well as applicable collective agreements.
Our focus areas and objectives
Memorable Experiences
Building on our strong legacy and heritage as well as our innovative dna, we offer an amazing smorgasbord of experiences at our unique locations. High service quality, accessibility and security are of highest priority.
Sustainable Food & Beverage
We offer a variety of exciting food and beverage with low impact on climate and biodiversity. We prefer regional and seasonal ingredients and do our best to prevent food waste.
Mutual benefit Partnerships
Together with our partners, we create next-generation entertainment. We are the trustful and caring partner of choice. We select suppliers and clients that share our business values. We value long-term relationships, working together in concepts leading to mutual success.
Employer of Choice
We offer an inspiring, flexible, and inclusive workplace with good working conditions. We listen to each other, share knowledge and welcome different perspectives. We provide tools and space for growth and development.
Innovative Development
We explore what’s new. We are forward thinkers, driven by creativity and powered by technology. We continuously evaluate how to best capitalize on new ideas and collaborate internally. We lead by example, supported by robust management and governance structures.
Resource efficiency & Circularity
We consider environmental impacts in all decisions and in our daily work. We continuously increase resource efficiency and contribute to circular economy. We ensure that waste that cannot be avoided is handled correctly and transformed into new resources. We explore solutions to become a climate neutral company.
ISO Certification 14001
As of the 26th of July 2022, we are certified in compliance with ISO 14001 (Environmental Management Systems) by Svensk Certifiering AB, as a part of our sustainability work. The certification refers to Cirkus Venues’ work to minimize our impact on the climate.
Cirkus Venues CEO is ultimately responsible for the implementation of this policy and Cirkus Venues sustainability work. It is the responsibility of each manager to ensure that employees are aware of this policy and its implication for the employees’ role and responsibility.
All employees must understand how they contribute to Cirkus Venues sustainability work, which is why Cirkus Venues offers continuous sustainability training.
All employees are encouraged and expected to share ideas for improvement, and report deviations or potential violations of this policy. Reporting does not lead to any retaliation or other negative consequence for the person who reported in good faith. Deviations are documented and an action plan is drawn up to prevent similar deviations in the future.
Point of Contact
If you have any questions about this Policy, or want to report any known or suspected non-compliance, contact your manager or any manager from the leadership team. Alternatively, If you want to report any serious environmental crimes anonymously, use Cirkus Venues whistle blowing function https://report.whistleb.com/sv/cirkusvenues